Self-Care & Prevention Coaching

Be T.O.P. - Tactical, Organized, Prepared! The tailor-made courses take place at historical locations in Homburg-Saar and the surrounding area or on request at your premises. Everyone should be able to protect themselves and their loved ones. Prevention through innovation invi - the first and only bracelet for self-defense - that uses odorant for defense!

My mission is your safety
In a world that is becoming increasingly unpredictable, it is more important than ever to be prepared. At Be TOP, I want to teach you the skills you need to protect yourself, your family in extraordinary situations and how to act as a family in an emergency situation. My courses are designed to give you the knowledge you need in a brain-friendly way.

Unique training experience

My courses comprise one training session per day. My offer is aimed at anyone who is interested in defending themselves with or without aids. To develop or regain their body awareness, their mind and their health. But it's not just about the training - it's also about the fun and enjoyment that comes from learning and experiencing together.

 Clubs, youth groups and school classes no problem, just write to me. The concept of Vetrauensinsel D-R-C self-protection for children and young people with Vetrauensinsel is taught.
All my courses are individually tailored to the fitness and health status of my clients. All my courses promote the physical and mental fitness of the participants and improve their overall performance.
I offer both individual and group coaching sessions. The courses can also take place at your location if the premises are suitable. Please just ask me about this. My courses are aimed at all age groups. For clubs, youth groups or school classes, the group size depends on the number of people requiring supervision.
Book your self-care & prevention coaching now
Are you ready to protect yourself and have a great time at the same time? Book your Prevention & Self-care Coaching now and take the first step towards more safety and self-confidence.
Prices for self-care & prevention coaching on request.
