Eye fitness
If you are honest with yourself, how much time do you spend in front of a screen each day? Most of us now work at one or even two screens. Even in our free time, whether it's a PC, mobile phone, tablet, laptop or TV, screens in all variations accompany us in our everyday lives.
According to a survey by NordVPN, Germans spend 81% of their waking hours in front of a screen. (Source: uhz-online.de) That's 13 hours a day. No wonder that the eyes communicate in the form of so-called visual stress that they can't take any more. Besides tired eyes, red, itchy and burning eyes, eye dryness as well as blurred vision or double images are symptoms of vision stress. Many people do something good for themselves with physical fitness in the form of strength training, endurance training or various sports. Nowadays, relaxation and recuperation, e.g. in the form of meditation or massages, are also very important. But who trains their eye muscles? Who massages their eyes or actively relaxes them? In today's digital age, the eyes do a lot of hard work. With a few exercises regularly incorporated into everyday life, it is possible to reduce the stress on the eyes.
Eye fitness is a workout for the eye muscles. During relaxed vision, the eye muscles perform up to 200 movements per second, the so-called saccades. The more strenuous it is for a person to see, the more soft, mobile vision turns into staring. However, ease and speed of eye movement are the prerequisites for optimal visual acuity. Part of the blood flow to the eyeballs occurs through veins in the eye muscles. If the muscles are tense, for example due to strained vision, blood flow can no longer be optimal. Weakness of the eye muscles, rapid fatigue of the eye muscles, metabolic disorders, lens opacities can be the consequences. If the outer eye muscles, which surround the eye with their muscle cords, are constantly tense, myogeloses and deposits develop in the affected muscles. The myogeloses as well as the deposits then put pressure on the entire body of the eye. Tendencies to short-sightedness or long-sightedness are increased, and latent visual impairments can occur.
Train your eyes and benefit from the effects. Regular eye fitness stabilises the ability to see. Vision is experienced more consciously and intensively and perception becomes more vivid, colourful and intense. This in turn has an effect on concentration, which further affects memory.